

心も体も自然の優しさに包まれる、そんな布をあなたに Our weaving cloth that wraps your mind and body in the gentleness of nature

About us

yamamayu spinning, dyeing and weaving studio



This is the online shop of yamamayu, a family textile business founded in 1894 that continues to create modern clothes while inheriting the dyeing and weaving techniques. Rather than having a own shop, we exhibit and sell our work at art galleries in major Japanese department stores such as Hankyu, Daimaru, and Mitsukoshi.

We opened this online shop because we want you to add color and the warmth of nature to your daily life with our woven clothes made from natural materials that are gentle on our minds and bodies.

Feature 山まゆの里染織工房の染織布の3つの特徴

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    natural materials


    These are high-quality clothes made from natural materials such as silk (domestic and wild silkworms), cotton, and mainspring. The material is environmentally friendly and sustainable, so you can wear it with confidence.

    The clothes are very gentle to the touch and has a light texture. It can be used throughout all seasons and throughout life.
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    Dyeing and weaving techniques inherited from tradition


    Our clothes are woven using a special technique called "karami (leno weaving)'' that was adopted by Nikaido weaving studio, my parents' home.

    Since the two warp threads are intertwined and the weft thread is woven, there are gaps, creating a light fabric. Even if you wash the cloth by hand, it will maintain a condition and a texture that is gentle on your skin.
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    Gentle colors from nature

    植物染料は、山々に囲まれた工房の周りで採取したり育てたものを使っています。 一枚一枚を丁寧に染めているため、植物を採取した時季などにより、染め上がりの色が違ってきます。どれも自然のエネルギーが詰まったオリジナルの一枚です。

    We use two types of dyes: plant dyes obtained from nature and chemical dyes that do not place much of a burden on the environment so that you can enjoy the colors.

    We use plant dyes that are collected or grown near our studio, which is surrounded by mountains. Because each piece is carefully dyed, the finished color will vary depending on the season the plant was collected. Each piece is an original piece filled with natural energy.

PickUp ピックアップ

Pick Up


上質な絹を使用し、代々受け継がれてきたからみ織りという伝統的な技法で織り上げた絹からみ織り布(ストール) 。このストールは緯が1/3で三色に分かれ、さらに経糸が黒と灰色の二色に分かれているので、角度によって微妙な色の違いをお楽しみ頂けます。 この さまざまな着こなしに取り入れやすい3点のカラーバリエーションと緯糸に細い糸を使ったストール1点をご用意しています。
